Dear Sir/Madam


In the 59th Convention of Nikkei & Japanese Abroad held in Hawaii, on June 2018, it was declared June 20th as the "International Day of Nikkei".

The object is to promote links and collaborations among Nikkei based on the Nikkei legacy of the world, thus contributing further to the international society.

We, the KAIGAI NIKKEIJIN KYOKAI is now developing the PR project to share and make this day popular all over the world.


It's very easy to join the project.(Only 2-steps to be done!)


1.  Take a video with the message "June 29th-International Day of Nikkei".


2. Add the hashtag and post it on SNS like as twitter, Facebook, and others. (#国際日系デー/#kokusainikkeiday)


We are looking forward to having you join us!!  (Espanol)  (Portugues)


▼Many people are joining us already!


▼Great team-work from Associação Nikkei do Rio de Janeiro.


▼Two Little Piggies too!!